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- Goodwin, Victor O., and Hussey, John, A. Sawtooth Mountain Area Study – History. US Forest Service & National Park Service, 1965
- D’easum Dick Sawtooth Tales. The Caxton Printers, Caldwell, ID 1980.
- Yarber, Esther and McGown, Edna. Stanley-Sawtooth Country. Publishers Press, Salt Lake City, UT 1976.
- Underhill, Miriam. Give me the Hills. Riverside, CT: The Chatham Press, Inc. in association with the Appalachian Mountain Club, 1971.
- Underhill, R.L.M. The Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho In Appalachia XXI p 511-23, Appalachian Mountain Club, Boston, MA 1937.
- Underhill, Miriam. Leading a Cat by Its Tail in Appalachia p 184-192, Appalachian Mountain Club, Boston, MA 1934.
- Durrance, Dick and Jack. The Sawtooth Mountains, Idaho in Appalachia XXIII p 103-4, Appalachian Mountain Club, Boston, MA 1940.
- Cox, Joan. Sawtooth Saga in Iowa Climber p 4-15. Iowa City, University of Iowa, 1948
- Meier, Mark F. Sawtooth Mountaineering in Iowa Climber p 17-23. . Iowa City, University of Iowa, 1948
- Matthews , W. V. Graham. New Conquests in the Idaho Sawtooths in Appalachia XXVII p.178-85. Appalachian Mountain Club, Boston, MA 1948
- Schwabland, Jack. Sixth Class Climbing in the Sawtooth Range in American Alpine Journal p 415-424. Golden, Co, American Alpine Club 1950
- Bachman, Ben & Smutek, Ray. Sawtooth Prolog, Louis Stur – Sawtooth Pioneering, & Sawtooth Mountaineering – Peaks and Routes in the Idaho Sawtooth Range in Off Belay Feb. 1975
- Various. The American Alpine Journal Golden, Co, American Alpine Club 1949, 1959, 1961, 1962 ,1963, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 2005, & 2009.
- Umpleby, Joseph B. Ore Deposits in the Sawtooth Quadrangle Blaine and Custer Counties, Idaho. USGS Bulletin 580: Contributions to Economic Geology, p 221-249. Washington DC, US Gov. Printing Office, 1914
- Cotter, James F.P., Bloomfield, James M., and Evenson, Edward B. Glacial and postglacial History of the White Cloud Peaks – Boulder Mountains, Idaho Geographie physique et Quaternaire, 1986, vol. XL, No. 3, p. 229-238.
- Reid, Roland R. Pamphlet 129: Reconnaissance Geology of the Sawtooth Range Moscow, ID: Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1963.
- Killsgaard, Thor H., Freeman, Val C., and Coffman, Joseph S. USGS Bulletin 1319-D: Mineral Resources of the Sawtooth Primitive Area, Washington DC, US Gov. Printing Office, 1970.
- Choate, Raoul, . Geology and Ore Deposits of the Stanley Area. Moscow, ID: Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1962.
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- Ballard, S. M. Bulletin No. 5: Geology and Ore Deposits of Alturas Quadrangle Blaine County, ID., Moscow, ID: Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1922
- Various authors. USGS Bulletin 1545: Mineral Resources of the Eastern Part of the Sawtooth National Recreation Area, Custer and Blaine Counties, ID, Washington DC, US Gov. Printing Office, 1986
- Fisher, Frederick S. and Johnson, Kathleen, M. USGS Professional Paper 1525: Geology and Mineral Resouce Assessment of the Challis 1 X 2 degree Quadrangle, Idaho, Washington DC, US Gov. Printing Office, 1995
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