Idaho River Publications - E-Guidebooks.
In an ever-changing book environment, Idaho River Publications wants to keep pace with the desires of our clients. While many people have inquired about Idaho River Publication Apps, these E-guidebooks are the next best thing. Available in the ubiquitous PDF format, the E-Guidebooks are indexed for ease of browsing and compatible across all E-reader platforms, laptops, and desktop computers. The high-resolution books allow for zoomed-in browsing while planning your trip. If weight is a concern you can now print only the specific hiking maps and descriptions you need for your next adventure!
E-Guidebook purchases are intended for a single-user. It is unlawful to copy and share these digital files. Your river and mountain karma will catch up with
Idaho River Publications: E-Guidebooks |
MF Guidebook #5 - Print and E-Book Combo (10% discount): $45.00 | |
Rogue Guidebook #3 - Print and E-Book Combo (10% discount): $43.20 | |
Exploring Sun Valley #2 - Print and E-Book Combo (10% discount): $42.30 | |
Exploring the Sawtooths #2 - Print and E-Book Combo (10% discount): $45.00 | |
Exploring the Boulder-White Clouds - Print and E-Book Combo (10% discount): $40.50 |